Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Generating Campaign Test History Data

Administrators can activate a setting that creates a test history contact table when you test a campaign. This table is a mirror of the actual contact history table, and can be used for reporting prior to running the live campaign.

Test history contact tables are for reporting purposes only and are not supported for use in audience or cell segmentation.

When you are using Test Mode to send emails to a small number of recipients, and/or output records, this will not limit what is populated into the test history contact table. The test history contact table will always contain data relating to the full audience.

Note: It is important to understand that when the Generate Campaign Test History setting is activated, any existing campaigns that have not had their tests cleared will be added to the new test history contact table the next time a test is run. It is best practice to not leave campaigns in this 'uncleared test' state. Click the Clear Test button for each campaign that has been run in test mode. These campaigns will then not be included in the test history contact table.

The procedure for creating a campaign test history contact table is described below.


  1. You administrator has activated the Generate Campaign Test History setting in the Settings > Datasources screen (must be set to 'true').
  2. Open the campaign that you want to run in test mode.
  3. Select the Generate Campaign History check box in the campaign Overview tab.
  4. Click the Run Test button.


When you test run a campaign, with the Generate Campaign Test History setting set to 'true' and the Generate Campaign History check box selected in the Campaign Manager Overview tab, a test campaigns history contact table is created. The table is named 'Test_' + the campaign history contact table name, and it is visible in the Campaign Manager Data Explorer pane.

The table will contain data for every test run of every campaign since the table was cleared as part of the nightly data update process. Data is appended to the table every time a test is run.

Clearing a test does not automatically delete the test history contact table. If required, the table can be cleared down as part of the nightly data update process using the iLoader DROP command.

You can filter reports using the CampaignId column in conjunction with the TacticInstanceId column to identify a specific run of a specific campaign. You can use the test history data in combination with any standard linked database tables. However, although technically possible, these tables should not be used in audience or cell segmentation.

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